Outstanding achievement in the field of excellence
Licensed since 1992 but spent a number of years away from radio, coming back in 2004. I run a small station at my QTH which comprises of an ICOM IC-7300 with a W3EDP antenna or attic dipoles for the higher HF bands. Generally running 10-25 watts. FT817 or MTR5b for SOTA.
When the weather works nicely I can also be found on 13cm with an SG Lab transverter, which I can highly recommend.
I am mainly active on CW now (which I have improved massively with the help of CW Academy (Can’t rate it high enough) as well as 2m FM & occasionally SSB for SOTA. As you can tell, I am keen SOTA activator in the local western lake district. (IO84) and part time VHF contester with an interest in the Backpacker type events as well as CWT and MST evening contests.
I am active on Mastodon.radio as @g7kse and a member of the ‘Less Involved Data Society’ who promote CW as best they can. I’ve got a small website that has some of my work on it.
If you hear me on the bands, and its CW, chances are I’ll be portable and will be very keen to have a contact. At home it is more challenging but well worth it.