Ok, so this one is a bit more niche. The Anthorn time signal is transmitted on 60kHz. Every now and again receiver modules pop up mine came from PV Electronics but stock comes in and out. Because it’s VLF its got my attention, so you may have to juggle about a bit to find one, or make your own. Its been a while since I did this project so the best solution is to follow th eoriginal project and code on Dances With Ferrets website.
OK, so what is Anthorn? or rather where is Anthorn? Well its handily titled ‘Anthorn Radio Station’
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The transmitter is there to keep time. It does so with a pulse that can be heard on 60kHz. It has a callsign of MSF. There are similar transmitters elsewhere that do similar things. In fact there are quite a few VLF tranmitters kicking about including one of my favourites, SAQ. For a decent list you can start with the Wikipeadia list. Mosts of these are ‘data’ transmitters that won’t give you much detail as they are militray or similar. Insterstingly the VLF part of teh spectrum penetrates a decent amount of water. So its handy for submarines
Otherwise feast your eyes on this amazingly produced vid.