
A repository of completed, half finished and generally abandoned projects. Most of this stuff is ham radio related but this website is a project, it’ll never be finished. But some stuff is worthy of putting here.



Messaging without much stuff.

Updating OSM

Updating OSM

Trying to keen my local area in good shape on Open Street Maps.

1001 Filums

1001 Filums

A long project to watch the 1001 films that the book recommends.



Developing LoRa APRS capability with Lilygo TBeam modules.

SOTA Antennas

SOTA Antennas

A few antennas that I’m mucking about with for SOTA and /P.

2m Flowerpot antenna

2m Flowerpot antenna

Using a 3D printer to make a decent antenna for 2m SOTA.

Raspberry Pi Astro Photography

Raspberry Pi Astro Photography

A way to use the RPi HQ camera for astro photography.